Contents tagged with technology

  • AppFabric & "Protocol Buffers"

    In the last few days I've been struggling with a quite hard task: introducing some caching mechanism in an existing and complex infrastructure, which is already using AppFabric caching (aka: Velocity) in some other areas.

  • Do you like "parrots"?

    Yesterday I had an interesting chat with my colleague and friend Felice, from the famous "Fatica Labs", about an idea I had a couple of months ago.

  • Orchard + WebMatrix + Sql Compact

    Ok, I decided to build a web site for my blatherings, so I had to decide how to manage it. There are tons of blog engines and content management systems (CMS) out there, but I decided to go with Orchard.

  • Back to the web

    Hello, my name is Roberto Vespa (aka: wasp), I was born in 1968, and I've been working in Information Technology area since 1995. I've been consulting on several different projects and for many customers, and since last year I'm working in Switzerland. You can find more details about my career here.