Extending the world, related material

Tagged: functional c# linq extending the world

As promised, here you can find the source code relative to the discussions we made so far:

Source code

Please remember that this is not production code at all, it has the only purpose to give you the chance to easily try what I've been trying myself so far while writing this series.

I can also give you a few links where you can fine more formal and deeper material about the topics I'm blogging about in this series. I read a lot of stuff around functional programming and its influence over imperative ones, and especially over C#, and I think that Bart De Smet and Wes Dyer wrote some of the most interesting pieces I had the chance to find. It's a pity that both have not been blogging about such topics in the last years, but their writings are still actual and very interesting. From there it is easy to naviggate and find more stuff, but here you have a couple of links more which I think deserve some consideration in our context: functional programming for dummies imperative programmers :)

Enjoy :)

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