My name was Otta

My name was Otta. I've been around for 9 years or so, until some monster grow inside my chest, and I had to go. 
But I'm still here. 
I'm in the hearts of my family, as my family is still in mine. I'm lucky, this is not so easy to achieve, you need to love somebody a lot, and you need your love to be returned, this is the only way to make it work. I loved my family so much, and they loved me the same, that's why it worked for us.
I did not want to leave, and they did not want to let me go.
But I'm still with them. 
And I still talk to them, as I always did. I'm doing it right now. I always loved listening to their conversations, and even more interrupting them and join their chat with my opinion. Not that I always understood what they were saying, and I guess they could not understand me every time, but it was fun for all of us. I'll keep on doing it from inside them, sometimes that will be hard for them but I'm sure they will want me to do it anyway. I know they will.
I'm just so sad I won't be at the front door receiving them anymore.
I'm just so sad I won't be there playing ball with them anymore.
I'm just so sad I won't be there enjoying the sun on the balcony with them anymore.
But I'm still with them. 
You will never take me away from them, monster, and all the suffering we all are feeling will just make our bond stronger.
My name IS Otta, and I won, monster.
Be brave, mom and dad.
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